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Member Story
Name: Rebecca Harvey
Conditions: Functional Movement Disorder, Costochondritis, Type 2 Diabetes, Severe Anxiety Disorder
Wears: Endurance Bracelet
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Rebecca applied to receive a year’s free MedicAlert membership through our Goodwill Project, which is solely funded by the kind donations of our members. If you would like to find out more or donate to support those who need our service, please click below.
"I have many illnesses and they are all different in their own little way. I have come to terms with and learnt to live with each of them, accept one.
I still struggle to cope with having Functional Movement / Neurological Disorder, although I have now had it almost 9 years. The worst part of this condition is that it has taken my ability to walk more than 2 to 3 yards and I am now in a wheelchair whenever I go out of the house.
I found out about MedicAlert many years ago and became a member, reassured by the knowledge that they securely store your medical record and they supply the emergency ID jewellery for you to wear which lists your conditions. I was a member up until 10 years ago.
When I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in September 2019, I looked MedicAlert up again and learned that they have a Goodwill Project that supports members through reduced cost or free membership. As I am unable to work, this is so helpful for me.
The fact that my information is at hand during a emergency has really made me feel so much safer when going out. Where as I used to get anxious about what would happen in a emergency, MedicAlert has helped to ease that anxiety. I now know that the relevant people will have access to next of kin details, all my medications and will also know that I'm allergic to penicillin.
I would recommend MedicAlert to everyone with medical conditions - I already tell people about MedicAlert and what they do!
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