New MedicAlert Allergy Ambassador 06 April 2022 MedicAlert MedicAlert, the UK's market leader in medical ID services, is excited to announce Julianne Ponan as its first Ambassador. We support people living with medical conditions, including allergies to food, medication and the environment. Julianne has experienced living with severe allergies from a young age. Her first anaphylaxis incident was at the age of just two. Julianne is passionate about the importance of MedicAlert membership. Her dedication to helping improve the lives of families living with allergies is tireless. In addition to lobbying on behalf of those with allergies in the press, social media, and with politicians, Julianne founded Creative Nature. She launched a range of healthy Top 14 allergen-free foods including baking mixes, snacks and superfoods. In her role as MedicAlert Ambassador, she will share her knowledge to raise awareness of how the service provided by MedicAlert can improve and potentially save lives. The MedicAlert Foundation has 57 years of experience as a charity supporting as many people as possible to access their vital service. MedicAlert ID's are worn on pulse points as a bracelet or necklace. They will be seen in the event of an emergency by first responders. This enables quick identification of the best initial treatment, including what medication must not be given. Members enter their medical details via an online application. A Registered Nurse then reviews them and checks that the most vital information will be engraved on their MedicAlert ID. The security of this life-saving service gives members the confidence to take part in physical and social activities. MedicAlert CEO Kirsten Giles commented: "We appreciate the enormous challenges faced by individuals, parents and families who have allergies, from playdates to parties or going to a restaurant. Each activity needs careful planning, and being a MedicAlert member makes many of these things easier. We are delighted that Julianne is helping raise awareness of our charity which gives people living with allergies the peace of mind to live their lives to the full." Julianne adds: “MedicAlert is a vital charity that does incredible work to support people living with medical conditions, and I am delighted to become their first ambassador. If you have an allergy of any kind, wearing an ID backed by the excellent service MedicAlert provides is a 'no brainer’ and could save your life.” If you or someone you know has allergies, feeling safe every day is key to living your best life. If you have an allergy that affects your confidence to go about your daily activities, join below for a lifetime of peace of mind: JOIN NOW Article Categories MedicAlert News MedicAlert Ambassadors Medical Conditions Allergies