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Step by step guide
The simpliest way to join MedicAlert is to create your account online.
Hover over the "MyMedicAlert" drop-down menu as highlighted below.
Once you are hovering over the menu, a drop down will appear. Click on Become a member.
Next, choose what type of account you would like to set up.
If you are under 18, then select the Minor option (this type of account must be managed by an adult). If you are over the age of 18 then select the Myself option.
You will now need to fill in your basic information.
If you are creating an account for a minor, you will need to enter your information, as well as the information of the minor you wish to create the account for.
Next, you will need to verify your email address.
To do this, simply enter the six-digit code we've sent to the email address you provided on the previous screen. Please note that the email may take a few minutes to be received and don't forget to check you junk box!
Example of email you will receive
Input your unique code in the verification box
Once you have verified your email address, you will be asked for some further information as well as to provide answers to three security questions.
Before finishing the account creation process, you will need to provide at least one emergency contact.
You will also be promted to input your hospital and doctor's information too - but you can do this at a later stage if you don't have this information to hand.
After your MyMedicAlert account has been created, you can either create your medical record (including conditions, allergies, medications, scanned documents and more) or choose your medical ID jewellery.
Please note that the annual membership fee of £36 will be added to your basket during checkout.
If you need any help with joining MedicAlert online, or would like to speak with one of our Registered Nurses about your medical record, you can call us on 01908 951045. Alternatively, please use the form below to request a callback.
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