Stay Safe in an Emergency

Living with Coeliac Disease means taking daily precautions to manage its progression. One such measure is wearing a medical alert ID.

Wearing MedicAlert jewellery like necklaces and bracelets is very important for individuals with Coeliac Disease. It could be life-saving, instantly providing responders with vital information and facilitating fast, accurate care decisions

Ambulance icon

During an emergency...

your vital information is made available when it is needed most.

Wrist ID icon: Illustruation of a MedicAlert bracelet on a member's wrist

Your ID is the key...

providing your crucial medical details and pointing to your full record.

Nurse checked record icon: Illustration of computer and a nurse on the screen

Your full record...

is just a phone call away, 24/7, for those looking after you.

Accuracy saves lives icon: image of heart and dna

Accuracy saves lives...

you get the right treatment for your medical conditions, without delay.

"Receiving the correct medication is vital in a medical emergency. Wearing a MedicAlert medical ID will help paramedics administer the correct care." - Dr Masha Finn

"MedicAlert provides full reassurance due to the unique aspects of the membership, such as the fact that all medical details are checked by a qualified nurse. I feel safe knowing that my record is medically sound and it would not be detrimental to my treatment in an emergency." - Cat Burns

What do you need to do to join?

Create account

This provides online access to view and change your record at any time.

Add medical info

Including allergies, conditions, medications, history, documents and contacts.

Choose a Coeliac medical alert bracelet

Our collections include stainless steel, fabric, silicone, silver and gold.

Illustration of female nurse

We check your record

Our in-house medical professionals ensure your record is medically sound.

Did you know?

MedicAlert membership costs less than 10p a day, with a wide range of medical ID jewellery at affordable prices. 


Your medical information. On you. Keeping you safe. Providing you with peace of mind.

Coeliac disease is a condition involving your immune system attacking your tissues after consuming gluten causing damage to your small intestine and affecting the body's ability to take nutrients from food. Coeliac disease can cause a myriad of symptoms including bloating and diarrhoea.

Frequently asked questions

Other conditions our medical ID jewellery helps

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