Your medical information. On you. Keeping you safe.

Children and adults living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may have difficulty communicating if they are lost or in an emergency.
If you are one of them, MedicAlert speaks for you when you can't. 

Your medical ID jewellery will alert people to your most vital information and it also allows access to your full medical record that contains all details on your medical conditions, allergies, medications you may need and next-of-kin contact details. 

As a MedicAlert member, you can nominate one or more advocates to help you set up and manage your medical record.

Autism is much more common than most people think. There are around 700,000 autistic people in the UK - more than 1 in 1001.

It is not an illness or a disease. All autistic people share certain challenges, but being autistic will affect them in different ways. Some of them say the world feels overwhelming and this can cause them considerable anxiety. Some autistic people also have learning disabilities, mental health issues or other medical conditions2, meaning there are different levels of support needed.

Many people struggle with social and communication difficulties. With the right sort of support, all can be helped to live a more fulfilling life of their own choosing3. Being a member of MedicAlert will help you take control of your life and offer both you and your family valuable peace of mind by keeping you safe in an emergency.

"MedicAlert allows Jamie to take part in all the activities he wishes to; it also gives us, his parents, the reassurance that he will be safe, as people around him will know his situation, even if he is not able to communicate." - Ann, Jamie's mum

MedicAlert provides our members and their families with peace of mind

The Forget-Me-Not Bracelet

One of our younger members, who is autistic, had a habit of removing his medical ID bracelet. Read the story to find our MedicAlert's specific solution for this specific requirement.

Read more

Meet Our Champion: Jamie

Jamie is 8 now and he was diagnosed with ASD when he was 2. He is also non-verbal, therefore his parents' anxiety grew when he started school. That's when Jamie joined MedicAlert.

Read Jamie's story

MedicAlert membership costs less than 10p a day, with a wide range of medical ID jewellery at affordable prices.

To support those with family members or loved ones who also provide care, MedicAlert has launched the Carer ID and emergency care plan. So, should anything happen to your carer, you can both be sure that you'll continue to receive approprite care when you need it


What do you need to do next?

Anna Kennedy Online purple heart logo

Working in partnership
with Anna Kennedy Online

We are pleased to be working with Anna Kennedy and her team on a new joint initiative.

We are funding 50 membership spaces for those people diagnosed with autism.  Anna, along with her charity ambassadors, will be choosing who will be awarded the MedicAlert memberships.

To find out how to apply for a membership, please get in touch.

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