Your medical information. On you. Keeping you safe.

Wearing a MedicAlert bracelet or medical necklace ensures that paramedics and first responders are aware of your arthritis and any other medical conditions you live with, so that they can support your affected joints and offer appropriate pain relief. Remaining independent and active supports both physical and mental health, resulting in a better quality of life. 

Your record can also highlight any medications you are taking to ensure that there aren't any contraindications.

Being a member of MedicAlert will help you take control of your arthritis and offer both you and your family valuable peace of mind by keeping you safe in an emergency. 

Ambulance icon

During an emergency...

your vital information is made available when it is needed most.

Wrist ID icon: Illustruation of a MedicAlert bracelet on a member's wrist

Your ID is the key...

providing your crucial medical details and pointing to your full record.

Nurse checked record icon: Illustration of computer and a nurse on the screen

Your full record...

is just a phone call away, 24/7, for those looking after you.

Accuracy saves lives icon: image of heart and dna

Accuracy saves lives...

you get the right treatment for your medical conditions, without delay.

MedicAlert can provide you with peace of mind

Our member Ian Graham smiling with sunglasses on: MedicAlert for Chronic Asthma, Bladder Cancer, COPD, Hypothyroidism, Arthritis & Mobility Problems

Ian Graham

Ian has been a MedicAlert member for over 40 years. This has given him the confidence to travel extensively knowing his medical details can be accessed quickly worldwide.


MedicAlert Angela member wearing their arthritis medical bracelet

MedicAlert members

Many of our members have complex medical records and live with multiple conditions. Read their stories, they are all inspiring and empowering, each one in a special way!


Managing your arthritis symptoms

By making positive and healthy lifestyle choices, you can make a big difference in how much arthritis affects your quality of life2. Small tweaks can result in reduced levels of pain, easier movements and increased enjoyment of every day life!


Disturbed sleep can affect your health and make the symptoms of arthritis worse. Try to create a bedtime routine, avoid caffeine or disturbances and avoid large meals late in the day.


Although there are no diets or supplements that will cure your arthritis, a good diet will provide the vitamins and minerals you need. Keep your food varied and focus on a Mediterranean-style diet.


Exercises can stretch, strengthen and stabilise the joints. You can find specific exercises the help all different areas of the body and relieve pain, including hip pain, knee pain or tennis elbow.


There are many items that are available to purchase that can support you, such as specialised shoes that help distribute weight to reduce the strain on the joints in your hips, feet and knees.

Emotional Health

The emotional effects of arthritis can have as much impact as physical symptoms. Try to keep up with activities you enjoy or take up new ones, stay connected with friends and family and stay active!

Be Organised

Ensure you take medications on time to reduce the impact of symptoms as much as possible. Take charge of your treatment plan and track symptoms to help your doctor determine what works best for you.

"With the confidence I have with my MedicAlert emblem and membership, I carry on my everyday life as before and know that the right people will be called if I ever need them." - Kate Bradstock

"MedicAlert gives peace of mind to parents of asthma sufferers by storing vital medical information in case of emergencies" - Dr Masha Finn

What do you need to do to join?

Create account

This provides online access to view and change your record at any time.

Add medical info

Including allergies, conditions, medications, history, documents and contacts.

Choose a medical ID

Our collections include stainless steel, fabric, silicone, silver and gold.

Illustration of female nurse

We check your record

Our in-house medical professionals ensure your record is medically sound.

Your medical information. On You. Keeping you safe.

More than 10 million people in the UK have arthritis or similar conditions that affect the joints1. Whilst many believe that only older individuals can be affected by these conditions, they can actually be experienced by people of all ages, including children. 

Arthritic conditions can cause joint pain, stiffness, inflammation, weakness and swelling, all impacting the activities of daily living. Whilst there is no cure for arthritis, treatment including medication and physiotherapy can slow it down and help manage your symptoms. 

MedicAlert membership costs less than 10p a day, with a wide range of medical ID jewellery at affordable prices. 


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