The MedicAlert Foundation is committed to creating a safe, healthy and inclusive place to work for our staff and for our members who come into contact with us through our services. Our safeguarding policy and procedures are robust and aim to protect, from abuse or harm, children and vulnerable adults accessing our services as well as our employees by providing overall principles and guidance for staff and others working on our behalf.

The Safeguarding policy applies to everyone working at all levels including staff, volunteers and others working on behalf of The MedicAlert Foundation. The policy sets out our expectations in relation to their conduct but is also designed to help them recognise and report where they may have safeguarding concerns.

The policy will be applied consistently irrespective of age, disability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or identity.

Where appropriate, specific risk assessments are carried out and safe working procedures are developed and documented for the activities that we carry out. These set out any particular controls required for specific activities.

As part of our Safeguarding approach, the Charity also has policies that deal with bullying, harassment and whistleblowing. These include making sure that everyone knows how to identify and report a concern or incident.

The Board of Trustees approves the Safeguarding Policy and has oversight of the Charity’s duty of care which includes managing risk and protecting the reputation of the Charity. To ensure we are continually maintaining the highest standards of safeguarding, the management and Trustees monitor Government and Charity guidance and regularly review the Safeguarding policy and procedures.

Please contact us if you would like to receive a copy of our safeguarding policy.

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