Name: Lucy Dodd

Age: 21

Condition(s): Diamond Blackfan Anemia

Wears: Sky beads bracelet (No longer available)

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Diagnosed as a baby with Diamond-Blackfan Anaemia; a rare blood condition that inhibits the production of red blood cells; Lucy has blood transfusions every three weeks to manage her condition.

A friend with a nut allergy recommended our membership to Lucy as they recognised it would be a great idea to join.

Living away from home as a University student Lucy enjoys going out with friends, however, both she and her family are reassured that should the worst happen and she’s unable to communicate MedicAlert will relay vital information to emergency responders.

With a hidden condition, you never know what may happen, but the fact that MedicAlert is just a phone call away offers peace of mind for Lucy and for mum.

Watch Lucy's interview below

Photo of Lucy Dodd


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